Friday, June 27, 2008

It's Friday!

My friend Todd just sent me this - a very fun video of one of my favorite bands. One of the earliest dates that Jonathan and I went on was to see Cake in Baltimore. Our butts never hit the seats!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Garden (said with holy reverence)

This is a black swallowtail butterfly caterpillar, munching on the parsley. I hope he can escape the hungry jaws (beak?) of a robin long enough to become a winged beauty.

Prisoners of Bore

My fiance and I have been talking about starting a blog for a couple of months. Nothing elaborate - just some random ramblings about food, gardening, politics, the war, observations on life in general. You know, like everyone else out there in Blogger-land. It may entertain for a moment or two, and that's fine.

On this current election, it strikes me that the Press has been unreasonably kind to that doddering old coot John McCain. Ignoring his gaffs, his flip-flops on policy, his ignorance of his own policies. "But he's a war hero" they all gasp, clutching their collective pearls.

It is true, of course, that Obama was not a prisoner of war. Yet the harsh realities of war – and the lack of justification for this war in particular – are apparent to Obama, and also to many of us, and have been for the last six years or so.

The brutality of torture would give pause to most about rushing into – or continuing – this war. The fact that McCain has not come to this conclusion suggests that he is still a prisoner of his own experience.

Were we all prisoners, McCain’s stubbornness might give us strength. But we are not prisoners, and do not need to stubbornly endure the torture of continuing an unjustified war. Stubbornness in such circumstances is the act of a prisoner.

I think Obama offers us the very real opportunity to extract ourselves from an occupational stance in Iraq, as well as a greater assurance that we will not engage Iran militarily. The Press may continue to foment suggestions of Obama's uncertainty, his relative inexperience, or his questionable religious guidance, but I'm not buying it. Not for a minute.